Friday, February 21, 2014

EEA Annotator - Inline comments for Plone

EEA Annotator is the Plone integration of which allows your editors to easily collaborate on a Plone document by adding annotations (inline comments) on it.

Today we release version 2.0 and bellow you can find a quick demo of this package.

Find more details on or EEA on GitHub

Friday, February 7, 2014

EEA Daviz (Plone add-on)

EEA Daviz is a web tool which helps creating interactive data visualizations easily through the web browser, no extra tools are necessary. It is free and open source.

These days we managed to put together a series of screen-casts and publish them on EEA Web Systems Training's YouTube channel.

They are organized in two main section for basic users and advanced ones.